MIT Application Essay #3 – What attribute of your personality are you most proud of, and how has it impacted your life so far?

What attribute of your personality are you most proud of, and how has it impacted your life so far? This could be your creativity, effective leadership, sense of humor, integrity, or anything else you’d like to tell us about. (200-250 words)
I am a dwarf. That is not to say I was born with dwarfism, but rather that I share many characteristics with the dwarves that reside in fantasy realms. Among other traits, we share courage, toughness, and shortness of stature. Most importantly, we are reliable. The sheep on our family farm rely on me for a hard day of haymaking. My parents and siblings rely on me for a hearty home-cooked meal. My clients rely on me for the removal of a persistent Trojan virus. In addition, I rely on myself to master a difficult calculus concept. Life can best be described as a series of challenges; day-to-day tasks interspersed with larger hurdles. Without them, there would be no purpose. Being so reliable has allowed me to take advantage of what I love most: solving problems, helping people, and overcoming the challenges inherent in life. When adversity presents itself, be it a dragon or a hole in the roof, I am the first to grab hold of my great hammer (or a monkey wrench) and lead the charge. After all, I am a dwarf. I cling tenaciously to life and refuse to yield to the beasts that would disrupt it.

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